1980年代にSteve Fernand氏がミシガン州BENZONIAを拠点に現在のFERNAND LEATHERの工房をスタートさせました。商品はすべて手作りで、シューズ、バッグ及び小物類を展開しております。彼の生み出すデザインは非常に話題で、シンプルで自然体なデザインは使い古した時のことを想定して物作りがされています。

Mr.Steve Fernand started a workshop of current FERNAND LEATHER in Michigan BENZONIA in the 1980s. All products are handmade, and the items are shoes, bags and small leather goods. The design by which the design he invents is very simple by a topic and is natural posture. It’s assumed when that it was worn, and items are produced. Only, selling all items in the store, which is annexed to Michigan workshop,
Wholesale isn’t done at all from the limit of the number of production, and it’s sale only at a store in the United States. All goods are sold at the store established attached to an atelier in the State of Michigan only. Fan of his work has come from in the United States and has been the acceptance of the order.