ジャベツクリフ(Jabez Cliff)社は1793年の創業以来、イギリス国内において皮革工芸を伝統として馬具などを作り続けているメーカーです。 同社は、人馬一体、人荷一体、乗り手と使い手に意識させることなく馴染むものを作り、何よりも頑丈ということを理念に200年以上にわたり馬具、革製品を作り続けています。そうした功績が認められ1990年にはエリザベス2世より英国王室の御用達を授与されました。


Jabez Cliff company puts it in the United Kingdom since foundation in 1793, and, leather arts and crafts, the maker which keeps making a harness as tradition.
The company, men and horses together, people load together, and to create something that fits without being conscious rider and the consumer, harness for more than 200 years to the philosophy that anything more robust than, has been making leather goods. Such achievements was admitted, and they gave orders of the British Royal Warrant from Elizabeth II in 1990.
JABEZ CLIFF is an official supplier of the harness a British national team of an Olympic horsemanship play uses, as well as use by a world championship and a European title. A belt with the leather which is also called strong Stirrup at present in particular at the solid leather inside is famous.